9:16:00 AM

For the last plate for our midterms, our professor asked us to make a robotics & hi-tech inspired Christmas tree, which also represents ourselves, using a minimum of three materials to a maximum of five. I was actually surprised because I thought that it was too early for anything Christmas related but then again we’re Filipinos, aren’t we?

To be honest, I was pretty excited about it because Christmas is my favorite holiday. Christmas is a stress-free season, it reminds me of a lot of good memories and also the fact that it doesn’t involve any plates, it really is the season to be jolly!

For my model, all the materials I used were recycled because when it’s Christmas, it doesn’t really matter how grand it is but it’s the spirit that makes it alive and special. I used the DVDs that I found somewhere in our house, the DVD/CD holder, a light bulb, and the wire for the power supply of the light.

For the design, my concept was from a parol, another symbol for Christmas, which means light over darkness. The star on top represents Jesus since Christmas is all about our savior being born, He serves as my star which the three wise men followed because He’s the one guiding my way to the right path.

It’s a bit rough around the edges because that’s my personality and I think that isn’t a bad thing because there’s always a room for improvement. The DVD also creates this beautiful hologram effect where it diffracts light when it hits because just like my personality, I tend to radiate positivity.

 Unlike the typical Christmas tree where the Christmas lights dangle around the branches, I decided to put it inside so the light would shine through the cracks because for me, that signifies fragility but at the same time, it also represents strength because despite all the imperfections, there’s still a light within.

I wasn’t expecting to be chosen or even be the top one in this exercise since I thought my blockmates did so much better than I did. Another factor was the light bulb that I used wasn’t as bright compared to their LED lights but I am beyond grateful for being chosen.

I may be in pieces but I’m still whole.

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